Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Sustainable potato production system developed in Uzbekistan

Potatoes are cultivated in over 150 countries and consumed all over the world, including here in Europe and Central Asia where it is both an important crop and a staple in regional diets. It is food, fodder, and a source of income for farmers.

Potatoes are low in fat and high in fiber, are rich in antioxidants and nutrients, provide healthy carbohydrates and produce fewer greenhouse gases than other food crops. One of the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Uzbekistan was potato production could not meet consumer demands, due to restrictions in the movement of goods and people. In response,  the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan implemented the project “Recovery and development of the potato sector in response to COVID-19,” from 2021 to 2023. The main goal of the project was to increase the productive potential of the potato industry in Uzbekistan by growing a higher, more sustainable, and better-quality crop.

The final workshop of the project took place in July in Tashkent. During the session, the presenters summed up the gains made towards achieving a sustainable potato production system based on international best practices in the country. The event was attended by national and international experts who presented the work done and highlighted the results achieved.

“The project involved a number of national stakeholders in its activities. It also cooperated with several national and international experts. The national systems of Uzbekistan for registration of potato cultivars and for the production and certification of seed potatoes were reviewed, and observations and recommendations were provided by experts. Moreover, the capacities of the Ministry of Agriculture, universities, and private companies and other potato specialists were increased through trainings conducted by international and national experts. Additionally, a study tour to Turkey was organized for Uzbek potato experts,” said Piotr Wlodarczyk, FAO Agricultural Officer.

Title of publication: FAO
Autor: Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO
Organización: Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO
Año: 2023
País(es): Uzbekistan
Cobertura geográfica: Europa y Asia Central
Tipo: Artículo de blog
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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