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Crop photoperiodism model 2.0 for the flowering time of sorghum and rice that includes daily changes in sunrise and sunset times and temperature acclimation

Daylength determines flowering dates. However, questions remain regarding flowering dates in the natural environment, such as the synchronous flowering of plants sown simultaneously at highly contrasting latitudes. The daily change in sunrise and sunset times is the cue for the flowering of trees and for the synchronization of moulting in birds at the equator. Sunrise and sunset also synchronize the cell circadian clock, which is involved in the regulation of flowering. The goal of this study was to update the photoperiodism model with knowledge acquired since its conception.

Title of publication: Annals of Botany
Volumen: 128
N.0: 1
ISSN: 0305-7364
Intervalo de páginas: 97-113
Autor: Benoit Clerget
Otros autores: M. Sidibe, C. S. Bueno, C. Grenier, T. Kawakata, A. J. Domingo, H. L. Layaoen, N. D. Gutiérrez-Palacios, J. H. Bernal, G. Trouche, J. Chantereau
Organización: Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)
Año: 2021
País(es): Colombia
Cobertura geográfica: América Latina y el Caribe
Tipo: Artículo de revista especializada
Texto completo disponible en:
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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