Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Nigeria: From Waste to Wealth

Fish smoking, which is the most widely used method for preserving fish in West Africa, can be ramped up by adopting improved techniques and innovative technology

Smoked fish is a delicacy in West Africa, making fish smoking the most important and widely used method for preserving fish. Fishing communities have poor access to fresh fish. What also drives the preference for this method is the scarcity of electricity, resulting in a lack of cold-chain facilities. Fish smoking is also a means of product differentiation.

Fish smoking is a gendered activity here, dominated by women operating popular traditional or local fish smoking kilns such as smoking platforms or altars, barrels/drum kilns, mud kilns, Chorkor kilns, Altona kilns, Banda kilns and firewood as the main fuel or energy source.

Title of publication: Samudra Report
Volumen: 89
N.0: 89
ISSN: 0973-1121
Intervalo de páginas: 16-18
Editor: ICSF
Autor: Kafayat Adetoun Fakoya
Otros autores: Shehu Latunji Akintola, Kafayat Oluwakemi Ajelara, Ayojesutomi Abiodun-Solanke
Organización: The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Otras organizaciones: Lagos State University Nigeria, Federal College of Fisheries and Marine Technology Nigeria
Año: 2023
País(es): Nigeria
Tipo: Informe
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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