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Modeling cell size regulation under complex and dynamic environments

In nature, cells face changes in environmental conditions that can modify their growth rate. In these dynamic environments, recent experiments found changes in cell size regulation. Currently, there are few clues about the origin of these cell size changes. In this work, we model cell division as a stochastic process that occurs at a rate proportional to the size. We propose that this rate is zero if the cell is smaller than a minimum size. We show how this model predicts some of the properties found in cell size regulation. For example, among our predictions, we found that the mean cell size is an exponential function of the growth rate under steady conditions. We predict that cells become smaller and the way the division strategy changes during dynamic nutrient depletion. Finally, we use the model to predict cell regulation in an arbitrary complex dynamic environment.

Más Información:

Title of publication: Biorxiv
Autor: César Nieto
Otros autores: Cesar Augusto Vargas-Garcia, Juan Manuel Pedraza, Abhyudai Singh
Organización: Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (AGROSAVIA)
Año: 2022
País(es): Colombia
Cobertura geográfica: América Latina y el Caribe
Tipo: Artículo de revista especializada
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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