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Low water exchange shrimp farming: improvements in Thailand

How the implementation of heterotrophic, low water exchange shrimp-farming systems – including the use of biofloc – in Thailand has helped to limit the spread of pathogens and improved farm performance

Thailand experienced several cycles of rapid expansion and intensification of production, followed by sector-wide losses from a series of viral disease outbreaks. Farms were forced to innovate and adapt management measures to address the perceived sources, or drivers, of disease. The implementation of heterotrophic, low water exchange shrimp-farming systems – including the use of biofloc – in Thailand has helped to limit the spread of pathogens and improved farm performance. Techniques include: on-farm recirculation and natural treatment of pond water, a move to lined ponds, and use of strong aeration and water currents to keep biofloc in suspension, among others. The systems can produce more aquatic foods sustainably, with minimal water exchange, less sludge and pond wastes and also improve farm profitability. They also provide both a low-cost and natural method of treating and improving the water quality in grow-out ponds, and simultaneously provide an additional cost-saving food source.

Editor: FAO
Autor: Don Griffiths
Otros autores: Simon Funge-Smith
Organización: FAO
Año: 2022
País(es): Thailand
Cobertura geográfica: Asia y el Pacífico
Tipo: Documento técnico
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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