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How to bridge the missing middle working with climate-smart SMEs, intermediaries, financers and policy makers?

The objective of this impact report is to gain consolidated impact insights and lessons learned from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) financed SEED project: Financing and capacity building for micro and small climate-smart enterprises: Filling the gap of the missing middle.

The 5-year global SEED project was operating in Ghana, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Thailand, and Uganda. The project combined knowledge and resource building for socially inclusive and climate-friendly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with the promotion of enabling institutional frameworks, and extends this offering with a combination of green recovery-related topics.

The impact report aims to share insights that can serve as a blueprint for project stakeholders and IKI project implementers who are working to support climate-smart SMEs while creating an enabling ecosystem working with policymakers, financiers and intermediaries to support a low- carbon transformation across the target countries.

Editor: SEED
Autor: Mirko Zuerker
Otros autores: Raisa Ferreira Santos, Lina Gutierrez, Jonas Restle-Steinert
Organización: SEED
Otras organizaciones: UN Environment Programme, UNDP, IUCN, Federal Ministry of Germany for Environment, Adelphi
Año: 2024
País(es): Ghana, India, Indonesia, South Africa, Thailand, Uganda
Tipo: Informe
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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