Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Unleashing the potential of women livestock keepers

"Unleashing the potential of women livestock keepers" explores how enhancing women's roles in livestock production can significantly contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 5, which aims at achieving gender equality and empowering women. In developing countries, women constitute a large part of the agricultural labor force, particularly in small-scale livestock farming, which can alleviate poverty and enhance family welfare. However, they face numerous challenges, such as limited access to land, credit, technology, and training, as well as restricted decision-making power and market access. The article highlights various initiatives, particularly in India, aimed at overcoming these obstacles. These include community-based approaches like women's cooperatives, the use of digital tools, gender-sensitive agricultural policies, and targeted microfinance programs. By improving women's access to resources and support, these efforts can enhance their productivity and economic contribution, ultimately leading to broader socio-economic benefits and more resilient agricultural systems.

Autor: Mahesh Chander
Organización: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Año: 2024
País(es): India
Cobertura geográfica: Asia y el Pacífico
Tipo: Artículo
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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