Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Migration and protracted crisis

The focus of this one-lesson e-learning course is on forced migration due to protracted crisis situations, including both natural or human made disasters, and conflict. Forced migration is a sub category or type of migration. It is distinguished by the presence of coercion or a lack of voluntariness.

The target audience for this course includes:

  • UN Country Teams and FAO Staff
  • Planners, policy formulators and advisors on migration, agriculture and rural development
  • Managers and technical staff in the ministries responsible for agriculture, rural development, migration, employment and others

You will learn about:

  • Key concepts and characteristics of migration, forced migration and protracted crisis, categories of migrants
  • The drivers and impacts of forced migration in situations of protracted crisis
  • How forced migration is relevant to FAO’s mandate and strategic objectives, and how FAO works programmatically through the forced migration cycle
  • How forced migration considerations can be integrated into policies and programmes regarding protracted crisis
Organización: FAO
Año: 2019
Tipo: Aprendizaje en línea
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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