Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Major pest and disease identification and management guide for mango, avocado, tamarillo and grevillea

Increasing demand for tree products has led to wide production of exotic and native tree species in forest and agroforestry plans. Pests and diseases incidences are at the same time a growing continental crisis. Diseases spread is accelerated by climate change dynamics and implications are concerning African farmers already challenged by weak intervention capacity, fragmented ecosystems, and porous borders. Impacts may also trigger loss of biodiversity, food crisis and constrain agroforestry adaptations strategies. This guide is therefore intended to provide vital information to help smallholders, extension and rural advisory services identify and mange pest and disease incidence before causing total crop failure.

Autor: Sheillah Cherotich
Otros autores: Willis Ochilo, Sammy Carsan, Zakayo Kinyanjui
Organización: CIFOR-ICRAF
Año: 2023
Tipo: Prácticas
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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