Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Seeds of justice

This is a 4 minute taster of our upcoming film, Seeds of Justice, featured in The Guardian.

Created by Gaia in partnership with the African Biodiversity Network and MELCA Ethiopia, and due for release in Autumn 2014, Seeds of Justice explores the life of Dr Melaku Worede and his work to embrace participatory plant breeding, redignify farmer's expert ecological knowledge and conserve Ethiopia's precious seed diversity

Instigated by Melaku Worede, its former head, Ethiopia's national seed bank has embraced participatory planting since the 1980s. The approach involves opening the bank's doors to farmers and rural communities, drawing on their knowledge and establishing new partnerships as a means of conservation and preserving diversity. These days Melaku's pioneering work is widely promoted by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation and other agencies.

Autor: The Gaia Foundation
Organización: The Gaia Foundation
Otras organizaciones: African Biodiversity Network, MELCA Ethiopia
Año: 2014
País(es): Ethiopia
Cobertura geográfica: África
Tipo: Vídeo
Texto completo disponible en:
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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