Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Inventory and Documentation of Tribal GIAHS in India

About 8 per cent of the Indian population belongs to a category listed as ‘Scheduled Tribes’ enumerated in the Schedule to Article 342 of the Constitution of India. Tribal people have been seen to be strongly associated with the forests, hills and remote areas, practicing a unique life style, having a unique set of cultural and religious beliefs. Over many generations these communities have evolved elaborate agriculture systems, which are purely subsistence based and are with seemingly perfect harmony with nature. Over the recent few decades, however, population growth and lack of harmony between different agriculture and developmental policies have threatened these traditional agricultural systems to extinction. Many of these traditional agricultural systems are not even documented. This report attempts to inventories and document the different tribal communities of India and the traditional agriculture systems associated with them. This inventory will, therefore, fill the knowledge gaps of the traditional agricultural systems of the tribal communities and would provide valuable information to the policy makers.

Organización: Schumacher Centre
Otras organizaciones: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Año: 2009
País(es): India
Cobertura geográfica: Asia y el Pacífico
Tipo: Estudio de caso
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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