Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

NEBUS Midwest – Netwerk Buurtwinkels met Streekeigen regioproducten (Network of local stores with local regionally produced products)

More and more people enjoy our countryside. Authentic regional food products such as farm and regional produce play an important role in this. That is why the npa De Lochting, RESOC Central West-Flanders, UNIZO Central West Flanders and npa Pival have joined forced to distribute regional products. In every municipality in the Leader Region Tielts Plateau (Tielt, Pittem, Wingene, Ruiselede, Ardooie, Dentergem, Beernem and Oostkamp) we are building a network of producers of farm products as well as local products. The result is a comprehensive range of products which we can market to consumers.

Año: 2010
País(es): Belgium
Tipo: Proyecto
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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