Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

A Vision for Sustainable Agriculture around the Baltic Sea

13 farmers’ organizations from eight countries within the Baltic Farmers’ Forum on the Environment (BFFE) present their contribution for sustainable farming around the Baltic Sea. Farmers are aware of their key role in water management in light of the sensitive Baltic Sea, and as part of the overall sustainable development initiative in the Baltic Sea Region. Significant progress has been made in the agricultural sector in relation to water protection by increasing nutrient use efficiency. Farmers call for a co-operative approach within the existing frames given by agricultural and water policies. The Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) developed by the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) aims to improve the water quality of the Baltic Sea. This is also an important element in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. BFFE as a legitimate partner ask that farmers’ voices are more heard in the on-going HELCOM process and strengthening of the Baltic Sea Region. Farmers’ organizations have strengthened their cooperation among themselves in view of a coherent and cross border approach to find solutions for integrating water protection into productive agriculture. The farmers’ organizations can support and advocate environmental considerations and practical measures that also contribute to economic and social sustainability. Experiences from several initiatives and projects like Baltic Deal, Baltic Compass and Baltic Manure significantly contributes to increased knowledge and win-win solutions both for the farmers and the environment. 

Lugar: Stockholm 29th of August 2012
Organización: Baltic Deal
Año: 2012
País(es): Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden
Tipo: Declaración
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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