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How Farming Families Benefit from Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture

Efforts to enhance smallholder farmers’ involvement in agricultural markets under the World Food Programme (WFP) Purchase for Progress (P4P) programme have led to a variety of nutrition-sensitive activities. In many rural communities where P4P and partners work, these context- and country-specific efforts have begun to increase farming families’ access to nutritious food and their knowledge of good nutrition practices.

Title of publication: Purchase for Progress (P4P)
Organización: World Food Programme (WFP) Purchase for Progress (P4P)
Año: 2015
País(es): Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras, Malawi, Mali, Rwanda, Zambia
Cobertura geográfica: África, Asia y el Pacífico, América Latina y el Caribe
Tipo: Artículo de blog
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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