Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Finland, land of developing agriculture

Urbanisation is a global phenomenon that has long affected Finland. People are moving to towns and cities with an ever diminishing number working in agriculture. In Finland in the 1940s, agriculture employed about half the work force, today it employs fewer than 4%. At the same time the number of working farms has collapsed. It fell by over 50,000 in the 1990s. Although the rate of decrease has been considerably slower during the 2000s, the trajectory of change is still clear: in the year 2011 the country lost about 1,200 farms. Last year there were 61,000 farms in Finland, and their average size keeps growing. Despite the general trend towards centralisation and the shift into other economic sectors, we do still have an agricultural sector in Finland which is around 54,000 businesses strong.

Title of publication: Food: the (agri)cultural revolution
Volumen: 5
Intervalo de páginas: 14-19
Autor: Antti Möller
Año: 2013
País(es): Finland
Tipo: Artículo de revista
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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