Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Stakeholder involvement to achieve the sustainable management of natural resources and climate action

Sustainable management of natural resources and climate action are at the heart of the rural development objectives 2014-2020. This article argues that this can only be achieved through active and broad stakeholder engagement. Such engagement is necessary at one level to ensure that the full range of actors on the ground is taking the actions necessary to make a positive difference, rather than individuals working in isolation. However, it is just as importantly needed in all stages of policy and programme design to ensure that conflicts with other land use needs are avoided. Stakeholder involvement means better informing stakeholders about sustainable management and also listening and taking on board their ideas and concerns around the implementation of the most appropriate actions for mutual economic, environmental and social benefits.

Title of publication: EU Rural review
N.0: 19
ISSN: 1831-5321
Intervalo de páginas: 18-23
Organización: European Union
Año: 2015
Cobertura geográfica: Unión Europea
Tipo: Artículo de revista
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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