Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Reconnecting the production to consumption

The foodstuffs acquisition of family farming for the school feeding programme

In  the  face  a  complex  food  problems  consists  of  a  scenario  of  nutritional  transition  and  a productive  model  guided  by  the  industrialization  of  agriculture  and  food,  causing  the marginalization of most family farmers, in Brazil there is political and social actions that tend to destabilize  supply  chains  dominate.  In  the  last  decade  the  state  has  formulated  and implemented  the  policy  of  sustainable  Food  and  Nutrition  Security  propositions  for  a rapprochement between production and consumption in an attempt to confront these issues. One of  them  is  the  revision  of  the  School  Feeding  Program  (SFP)  and  their  forms  of procurement,  encouraging,  and  most  recently,  forcing  the  executing  agencies  to  procure products from family farmers. However, until the legal requirement, some municipalities had performed  this  construction,  pointing  to  the  fact  that  social  actors  and  the  local  would  be important factors in the structural change. In this direction, there is one central question: how these particular food chains and localized supply of SFP are built? The aim of this study was to identify and analyze how the dynamics occurs and the social  construction of contemporary economic practices and heterogeneous consumption and food production through the SFP. We have worked with the following assumptions: the actors moved by different interests and/or needs, but with congruent goals, create strategies, from powerrelations and negotiations take an increasingly  greater,  causing  changes  in  the  dominant  model;  the  local  enhances  this movement  by  proximity,  providing  greater  social  interaction,  rooting  behaviors,  and consequently a generalization, awareness and institutionalization of discourses and meanings; the State is a key player in this process, as it has the power to regulate which guide behaviors, signs and speeches, encouraging them and multiplying them or, on  the other hand, inhibiting them. To test  these  hypotheses,  we  used  the  case  study  of  the city  of  Rolante  (which  buys products from  local  farmers  since  1998)  with  a  qualitative  approach  to  data  collection  and analysis.  It was  found  that  this  construction  took  place  from  a  review  of  the  development model pursued,  not  more  focused  on  industrialization  and  urban  but  in  rural  areas.  This review focused  on  some  players  as  public  managers  and  farmers  of  the  time,  strongly influenced by the  rural  extension  technical,  which  is  mobilized  to  permit  new  marketing channels, among them, institutional school meals. Consumers were  added to this movement seeking to improve food quality and ensuring sufficiency. The  interfaces were facilitated by the use of management councils (CAE and CMDR) as sites of  negotiation and governance. The  change  in legal  rules  of procedures  for  the  procurement  of  defense  occurred  from  the moral  rules and  the  power  of the  manager.  The  farmer's  participation  in  the  bidding procedures  were related  to  decision making  based  in  the  guarantee of  their  autonomy  and interfaces of knowledge were essential to overcome the barriers of entry determined by the requirements  of formalization  of agribusinesses. The social construction of  this  market  was bolstered by  the values, meanings, and  rules specific to  the local, and the  tradition is to be revalued  and the proximity bolsters consumer  confidence and commitment  of  the  producer. These relations, product quality was not an expert systems on safety, but other attributes of the local,  the producer  and  its specificities.  The  institutionalization  of  this  practice  was encouraged  by  its results,  but strategically  fostered  by  intersectional  and  work  with  the Rolante consumer in order to shape it in the feedback of this short chain of supply.

Editor: Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Autor: Rozane Márcia Triches
Otros autores: Sergio Schneider, Tatiana Engel Gerhardt
Organización: Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Año: 2010
País(es): Brazil
Cobertura geográfica: América Latina y el Caribe
Tipo: Libro
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: Portuguese

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