Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Agricultural land in Europe

Natural resources are scarce and their preservation is a prerequisite for ensuring prosperity in the long-term. This basic fact applies even to land – it is a finite resource that cannot be imported or reproduced. The state of land in Europe is mixed. Semi-natural vegetation and wetlands, as well as agricultural land and open spaces/bare soils, show slightly decreasing trends. Meanwhile, the area of forested land and water bodies is increasing slightly. Agricultural land accounts for almost half of the EU area. Around two thirds of agricultural land is used for arable crops, one third for permanent grassland and meadows, and the rest for permanent crops. In addition to agricultural area, forests cover 37.5% of the EU territory.

Title of publication: Food & Farming
Autor: European Commission
Organización: European Union
Otras organizaciones: European Commission
Año: 2015
Cobertura geográfica: Unión Europea
Tipo: Artículo
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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