Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Sustainable High Nature Value (HNV) farming

The EIP-AGRI Focus Group on High Nature Value (HNV) – Farming Profitability brought together 20 experts from 15 EU Member States and a diverse range of backgrounds. They explored the potential for making effective use of the EIP-AGRI to improve the long-term viability of High Nature Value (HNV) farming systems and thereby stop/reverse the decline in HNV farmland currently observed. The initial scope of the Focus Group was intended to be - how to improve the profitability of HNV farming without losing the HNV characteristics? However, the Focus Group members pointed out this was a rather narrow perspective and actually part of a bigger question of - how to improve the social and economic sustainability of HNV farming without losing the HNV characteristics? This report gives an overview of the group’s conclusions and recommendations.

Organización: EIP-AGRI Agriculture & Innovations
Otras organizaciones: European Commission
Año: 2016
Cobertura geográfica: Unión Europea
Tipo: Informe
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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