Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Transgenic Crops – hazards and uncertainties: More than 750 studies disregarded by the GMOs regulatory bodies

For the fifth consecutive year, Brazil is considered as being the second largest producer of transgenic plants of the world, after the United States. The area for this type of culture already exceeded 40 million of hectares in our country.

The continuous increase of the area planted with transgenic soy, maize and cotton varieties, and the successive commercial release of new genetically modified organisms (GMOs), with combined alterated genes now, indicate the importance of monitoring their possible impacts to the environment, in general, and the human health, in particular.

With this respect, the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) bring to the public this work which provides subsides to the qualification of risk evaluation processes associated to the growth of transgenic crops and to the consumption of their products and derivatives. The publication, intended to risk managers, researches, professionals from the biological, legal, economic and other areas, as well as to the other individuals interested on the subject, results from the Group of Agrobiodiversity Studies (GEA).

Volumen: Series NEAD Debate 27
Editor: Agrarian Studies and Rural Development Centre/ Coordination of Strategic Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (NEAD)
Autor: Gilles Ferment
Otros autores: Leonardo Melgarejo, Gabriel Bianconi Fernandes, José Maria Ferraz
Organización: Special Secretariat for Family Farming and Agrarian Development (SEAD)
Año: 2017
ISBN: 978-85- 8354-015- 1
País(es): Brazil
Cobertura geográfica: América Latina y el Caribe
Tipo: Libro
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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