Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar

Asian Farmers’ Association Initiatives with Farmers in Forested Landscapes Struggles. Actions. Lessons Learned. 2017 Edition

This is a compilation of case studies written by AFA members who implemented FFF projects in 2015-2016. The cases reflect the struggles, the actions and the lessons learned by AFA members in organizing and building the capacities of their members in forested landscapes, at village, commune or district/town levels, in pursuit of the five priority agenda of AFA: promote secure tenure rights over land and forest resources, produce diverse and nutritious food through sustainable agri-forestry, build and strengthen family farmers cooperatives and their enterprises, empower women members and attract youth to agriculture.

Organización: Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)
Año: 2017
País(es): Cambodia, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Viet Nam
Cobertura geográfica: Asia y el Pacífico
Tipo: Manual
Texto completo disponible en:
Idioma utilizado para los contenidos: English

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