Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Intensification for redesigned and sustainable agricultural systems

In the mid-20th century, food production from agriculture sharply increased worldwide; however, this was achieved through heavy use of agrochemicals. Extensive collateral damage from excessive use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers has occurred to the wider environment. This has led to biodiversity loss, pesticide resistance and the emergence of new pests, pollution and decline of freshwater supplies, and soil degradation and erosion, as well as direct harm to health. In a Review, Pretty examines the alternative approaches that can achieve sustainable intensification of farming systems by integrating pest management with agroecological systems to minimize costs, maximize yields, restore ecosystem services, and ensure environmental enhancement.

Title of publication: Research
Volume: 363
Issue: 6417
Auteur: Jules Pretty
Organisation: Science
Année: 2019
Type: Article
Langue: English
