Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Killing fall armyworms naturally

In this video, we learn from farmers in Kenya how we can kill fall armyworms in a natural way. The leaf damage caused by fall armyworms often looks worse than it is. Birds, spiders, rove beetles, ants, wasps, and diseases kill the fall armyworm and can greatly reduce its damage. By smearing cooking fat on maize stalks, you will attract ants, which will kill any armyworms hidden in the whorl. Leave trees and hedges around your field to allow these farmers’ friends to live and feed. Never spray chemical pesticides, as these will kill the farmers’ friends and you may end up having more armyworms than before. Check your field twice per week at least for the first six weeks and destroy any egg masses and armyworms. Spray infested plants with a boiled mixture of plants or apply a mix of ash, sand and tobacco snuff directly to infested whorls. By making best use of farmers’ friends and local plants on the farm, nature will help you control the fall armyworm and reward you with a good and healthy crop. To check more videos relating to this or other farming categories visit Access Agriculture.

Organisation: AccessAgriculture
Année: 2018
Couverture géographique: Afrique
Type: Vidéos
Langue: English
