Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Impact Story -- ASEAN

ASEAN is one of the most productive agricultural baskets in the world. In 2012, the region produced 129 million tons of rice, 40 million tons of corn, 171 million tons of sugarcane, 1.44 million tons of soybean, and 70.34 million tons of cassava. ASEAN is likely to increase exports to 18.28 million tons. While domestic utilization is projected to increase to 114.57 million from 113.04 million tons in 2012, self-sufficiency (production to domestic utilization) ratio is still assured at 116%

Organisation: ASEAN Farmers’ Organisations Support Programme (AFOSP)
Année: 2020
Couverture géographique: Asie et le Pacifique
Type: Rapport
Langue: English
