Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Food security and food consumption in Samoa

The high rate of adult obesity observed in Samoa (almost 46 percent in 2016) points to access to an amount of dietary energy that is well above the minimum amount of dietary energy needed by the population to be in good health and to be socially active. The analysis of the food data collected in 2018 in the Samoa Household Income and Expenditure Survey (2018 HIES) shows that less than 1 person out of 20 is undernourished. However, the analysis of the information collected in the same survey also finds that about one person in four does not have access to safe and nutritious food. This puts a one quarter of the population at greater risk of various forms of malnutrition and poor health than a food secure population, which has better access to safe and nutritious food. The survey results are confirmed by the high number of deaths caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Samoa. Access to enough dietary energy is not an issue in Samoa, as health problems are mainly the consequence of the quality of the dietary energy that is being consumed, rather than the quantity.

Organisation: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations FAO
Année: 2020
ISBN: 978-92-5-133157-6
Pays: Samoa
Couverture géographique: Asie et le Pacifique
Type: Rapport
Texte intégral disponible à l'adresse:
Langue: English
