Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Typification of ovine and caprine production systems in the Colombian dry tropic

The objective of this study was to typify ovine and/or caprine production systems in Cesar department, in the Colombian Caribbean region. Farmers from 25 municipalities of Cesar (n = 360) were surveyed about different areas of animal production. The most influential variables were obtained through a Factor Analysis of Mixed Data (FAMD) and these results were used to run a hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), followed by statistical comparison. Three clusters of production systems (PS) were identified: traditional ovine and/or caprine production system – TPS (84.9%), mixed ovine and/or caprine production system - MPS (11.4%), and specialized ovine and/or caprine production system - SPS (3.7%). This study proposes an updated classification of sheep and/or goat production systems in Cesar, Colombia.

Más Información:

Title of publication: Small Ruminant Research
Volume: 2013
Auteur: Clara Viviana Rúa Bustamante
Autres autheurs: Pablo Cortés-Alcaid, Ronnal Esneyder Ortiz, Jhon Jacobo Cañas-Alvarez, Leyla Rios-deAlvarez
Organisation: Corporación colombiana de investigación agropecuaria - AGROSAVIA
Année: 2022
Pays: Colombia
Type: Article de revue spécialisée
Langue: English
