Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Community ownership and institutional mechanisms to develop common property resources and enhance livelihoods

Common Property Resources (CPRs) are important for the livelihoods of the rural communities, especially poor. Various INGOs, NGOs and government organisations have facilitated and successfully demonstrated the model for development of common lands. This has been done by developing village institution mechanisms to bring in a bottoms-up approach to development with providing access to common resources that enhanced sustainable livelihood of the rural communities. This good practice showcases how investment in building robust community systems and institutions impacts sustainable management of CPRs, resulting in improved tree and fodder biomass availability. It also showcases how an NGO can effectively facilitate technology transfer in an iterative manner that assures its absorption and incorporation by village institutions. Other lessons learnt from the entire process is that participatory approaches involving community and developing institutional mechanisms can lead to better management and development of CPRs.

Auteur: South Asia Pro Poor Livestock Policy Program (SAPPLPP)
Organisation: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Année: 2020
Pays: India
Couverture géographique: Asie et le Pacifique
Type: Pratiques
Texte intégral disponible à l'adresse:
Langue: English
