Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Webinar report: ‘’How far are we in the agroecological transition? The contribution of the Tool for Agroecology Performance Evaluation (TAPE)’’, held on November 22, 2022

The webinar was co-chaired by the Animal Production and Health Division (NSA) and Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP), two FAO divisions in charge of the development of TAPERemi ClusetAgroecology Advisor at NSP, gave an overview of the TAPE mandate, the development process as well as the objectives of the tool. Dario Lucantoni, a Livestock and Agroecology Specialist at NSA, presented the progress to date and gave an overview of the results on a global scale. Preliminary results and examples of analysis were given by Anne Mottet, a Livestock Development Officer at NSA, and Frank Escobar, a consultant on Agroecology policies at NSP highlighted the links with local context and policies.  

The second session focused on practical insights generated from the implementation of TAPE in four different countries. Alejandro Marengo and Mauro Casselo from INSITU (Instituto de Intervenciones Situadas) gave insights on how they implemented TAPE in Argentina and specifically on the participatory component they included in the process to evaluate and interpret the results for the generation of policy recommendations. Anina Gilgen and Lutz Merbold from Agroscope talked about how they included a further component to TAPE to assess the biodiversity component more in-depth. Furthermore, Salia Hebie from ARFA (Association for Research and Training in Agroecology) shared his experience with using TAPE to analyze agrosilvipastoral systems in Burkina-Faso while Rada Kong from ASSET (Agroecology and Safe Food Systems Transitions in South East Asia) illustrated practical issues and first results from a study which applied TAPE to assess four different agroecosystems in Cambodia.

The webinar highlighted how the growing community of practice for TAPE is generating a multitude of evidence and insights, thereby contributing to the further development and application of this tool.   

The recording of the webinar can be found here.

Auteur: FAO (NSP/NSA)
Organisation: FAO (NSP/NSA)
Année: 2022
Type: Comptes rendus de conférence
Langue: English
