Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale


Biowatch is among the organisations and international social movements that see agroecology as a means to realise the goal of food sovereignty. In 2007 civil society and social movement organisations representing millions of farmers met in Nyéléni in Mali to launch an international movement for food sovereignty. This movement views agroecology as the embodiment of diverse peasant and indigenous production systems, developed over millennia.By valuing traditional farmers in this way their land, resources and knowledge are sustained, which in turn maintains the diversity of practices that ensure sustainability by being adapted to local social and natural environments.

Biowatch advocates for agroecology as a multi-faceted alternative to industrial agriculture, with the most potential to benefit the farmers with whom Biowatch works in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

This document explains the positive benefits of agroecology and why it is the ecologically sustainable alternative important to ensure biodiversity, food sovereignty and social justice.

Auteur: Biowatch South Africa
Organisation: Biowatch South Africa
Année: 2015
Pays: South Africa
Couverture géographique: Afrique
Type: Fiche d'information
Langue: English
