Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Agroecology and Organic

What is agroecology?

The AEEU understanding:

As a science, it gives priority to action research, holistic and participatory approaches, and trans disciplinarity that is inclusive of different knowledge systems.

As a practice, it is based on sustainable use of local renewable resources, local farmers’ knowledge and priorities, wise use of biodiversity to provide ecosystem services and resilience, and solutions that provide multiple benefits (environmental, economic, social) from local to global.

As a movement, it defends smallholders and family farming, farmers and rural communities, food sovereignty, local and short food supply chains, diversity of indigenous seeds and breeds, healthy and quality food....encompassing the whole food system

Auteur: Dr. Marcos Lana.
Organisation: Agroecology Europe
Année: 2022
Pays: European Union
Couverture géographique: Union européenne
Type: Fiche d'information
Texte intégral disponible à l'adresse:
Langue: English
