Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Agritourism’s Expansion into Romania: Food, Fun & Knowledge

Agritourism is picking up steam in Romania. From humble beginnings, this economic activity is steadily growing and helping the rural population keep their agricultural traditions and culture alive.

It is important to take a moment to differentiate between ecotourism and agritourism. Ecotourism usually focuses on visiting pristine and relatively undisturbed natural landscapes. Agritourism principally focuses on connecting the visitor to activities related to agriculture, farms and food. This can include local food festivals, seed swaps, picking your own food, visiting farmer’s markets, etc. Both activities bring money to local economies but only one focuses directly on food and agriculture.

Auteur: Derek Freitas
Organisation: Agricultural and rural convention 2020
Année: 2014
Pays: Romania
Type: Site web
Langue: English
