Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

The best fish in the world - O melhor peixe do mundo

Through the development of an innovative short chain delivery system, Axis 4 has helped a Portuguese company to bridge the gap between customers and small-scale fishermen, whilst also encouraging sustainable fishing practices in the Sesimbra area.

Direct sales offer exciting alternative market opportunities for fishermen. However, an obligation for all Portuguese catch to be sold first through the auction limits the possibilities of direct marketing from fishermen to consumers. To comply with national auction obligations while still shortening the supply chain, the Portuguese SME, “Fixe em Casa”, developed a short chain marketing scheme, known as, “o melhor peixe do mundo” (“the best fish in the world”), in collaboration with local fishermen. Launched in 2006, the company approached the local FLAG in 2010 to build on its activities further. Axis 4 support enabled the company to scale up its online sales, to develop a sustainability sourcing scheme with the national certifying body, Sativa, and to design innovative packaging to further preserve and promote the quality of its fish. Households can now order local fish online through a specially designed website and Fixe em Casa will collect the orders, liaise with the partner fishermen to purchase their fish in the Sesimbra auction and deliver it directly to the consumer’s home. Consumers can therefore count on fresh, local fish that has afforded fishermen a fair price and been caught according to the sustainability standards set by Sativa. 

Organisation: Associação de Desenvolvimento do Litoral Alentejano
Année: 2015
Pays: Portugal
Type: Projet
Langue: English
