Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Bacău Vegetable Growing Research and Development Unit: the brands created in 30 years provide self-financing

Bacău Vegetable Growing Research and Development Unit was established in 1974 in the context of carrying out the programme of self-supply and development of a modern and efficient vegetable growing in the area of Moldavia, where production and research traditions related to the vegetable crop were relatively reduced. The Vegetable Growing Research and Development Unit (VGRDU) from Bacău carried out interdisciplinary research in the area of improvement, physiology, production of seeds and biological stock from superior biological categories in vegetables and flowers, integrated control of pathogenic agents, in vitro cultures, research and production under biological agriculture conditions. Below are a few of the top activities of the researchers from VGRDU Bacău rendered evident by Dr. Eng. Silvica Ambaruș, the manager of the institution: •Creation of new vegetable and flower hybrids and varieties and obtaining seeds from superior biological categories. Maintenance of the diversity of vegetable and flower  species, preservation of valuable genetic resources;

•Establishment of modern vegetable and flower planting technologies for conventional and ecological system;

•Integrated control of vegetable diseases and pests;

•Micro-propagation and obtaining of genetic vegetable and flower material of high biological value;

•Advice, technical support and design for the organization and exploitation of (conventional and biological) vegetable farms. 

Title of publication: Rural Romania
Volume: 26
Issue: 26
ISSN: 2393 – 123X
Nombre de pages: 34-35
Année: 2015
Pays: Romania
Type: Article de revue
Texte intégral disponible à l'adresse:
Langue: English
