Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Land and cattle, a farmers wealth

Farming in the area of Maramureş has created a land of impressive scenery and rich cultural heritage. The unique patchwork of forests, orchards, wetlands and grasslands forms the second largest protected area in Romania. This is a semi-natural landscape, the result of a long tradition of traditional farming and shepherding, and the source of income for many inhabitants today. Petre Ţiplea and his family are one of them. The family is involved in wood processing and runs a 7-room guesthouse in the village of Ocna Şugatag. Recently the family took the opportunity given by the WWF One Europe More Nature project and got involved in farming. Now the Ţiplea family is keeping 26 cows, 1 bull and 5 calves on the Răchita mountain pastures on the Tătaru Plateau

Auteur: Koen De Rijck, Alexandra Puşcaş, Yanka Kazakova, Raluca Dan
Organisation: WWF
Année: 2008
Pays: Romania
Couverture géographique: Union européenne
Type: Article
Langue: English
