Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

New mobile application proves essential to Uganda's veterinary technicians

The EMPRES-i Event Mobile Application is helping to improve the speed and efficiency of animal disease control in Uganda.

The EMPRES-i Event Mobile Application (EMA) allows national veterinary authorities to use smartphones to report disease outbreaks. It also allows district veterinary officers to access disease reports submitted by colleagues. During the second half of 2013, the app was tested in a pilot which took place in ten districts of Uganda selected by the National Animal Disease Diagnostics and Epidemiology Center (NADDEC). The national authorities and district veterinary officers who took part in the pilot asserted the utility of the surveillance of animal disease, and urged that it should be expanded to all districts in the nation. FAO is encouraging other countries to test and use the app to improve disease reporting in the field.

Organisation: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Année: 2014
Pays: Uganda
Couverture géographique: Afrique
Type: Article de blog
Langue: English
