Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Knowing the source of the food

Matching smallholder farmers to the school meals market in Kenya

This case study examines SNV Kenya’s approach to connecting school feeding buyers to smallholder farmers through matchmaking events organized through the Procurement Governance for Home Grown School Feeding project. SNV’s baseline found that the participation of smallholder farmers as Home Grown School Meals (HGSM) suppliers was negligible, despite the market’s size, USD 15.4 million in food purchases annually, and HGSM’s emphasis on linking school feeding to agricultural and community development. In early 2013, SNV Kenya started piloting matchmaking events to expose farmers to the HGSM market, procurement process, and supplier requirements. The events led to more farmer organizations (FOs) participating in the bidding processes for school feeding and created successful supply contracts between HGSM schools and FOs. The case study assesses the short- and long-term sales transactions that emerged as a result of one matchmaking event in Baringo County.

Organisation: SNV Netherlands Development Organisation
Année: 2015
Pays: Kenya
Couverture géographique: Afrique
Type: Étude de cas
Langue: English
