Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Looking outside the ABS box

Access and benefit sharing for family farmers in Zimbabwe

What is successful access and benefit sharing’ for smallholder family farmers? This contribution argues it is not about legal contracts or mechanisms that regulate the international transfer of plant genetic resources. It is about farmers’ access to seed diversity and the ability to share in the benefits of the continuing cycles of seed conservation and development. The Community Technology Development Trust in Zimbabwe supports mechanisms that, in practice, do result in substantial access to and benefit sharing of local and modern varieties.

Title of publication: Farming Matters: Access and benefit sharing of genetic resources
Issue: Special Issue
Nombre de pages: 58-63
Auteur: Bram de Jong
Autres autheurs: Andrew Mushita, Patrick Kasasa
Organisation: ILEIA - centre for learning on sustainable agriculture
Autres organisations: African Regional Intellectual Property Organisations, Southern African Development Community
Année: 2016
Pays: Zimbabwe
Couverture géographique: Afrique
Type: Article de revue
Langue: English
