Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Research for agri committee - farm structural change in central and Eastern Europe and the cap

The aim of this study has been to analyse the changes in farm structures in the post socialist Central and Eastern Member States of the EU (EU-10) through the period since their accession to the EU, to explain the drivers of these changes, to evaluate the different development paths of these countries, and to outline future policy options to promote a more balanced territorial development within the EU. The research has been focused on achieving better understanding of farm dynamics and their implications for EU agricultural policy, as set out in the Terms of Reference. For the analysis of structural changes in agriculture in the EU-10 Member States, the relevant literature was reviewed and EUROSTAT databases were used extensively. Trends in farm structures have been presented mainly through the changes in Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) context indicators retrieved from the 2005 and 2013 Farm Structure Survey (FSS) databases. Three basic physical and economic size categories of agricultural holdings have been defined and used in the analysis, which correspond to the farm structure indicators defined by the European Commission (EC). The FSS has important limitations, both at the country and the aggregated level, which have been explained and taken into account as far as possible in order to avoid misinterpretations.

Title of publication: Research for agri committee – structural change in EU farming: how can the cap support a 21st century European model of agriculture?
Nombre de pages: 79-197
Section/Chapitre: II
Organisation: European Parliament
Année: 2016
ISBN: 978-92-823-8817-4
Couverture géographique: Europe et l'Asie centrale, Union européenne
Type: Partie de rapport
Langue: English
