Plateforme de connaissances sur l'agriculture familiale

Charter for CSAs in the USA and Canada

Collectively written by CSA farmers and promotors in the United States and in Canada during 2016, to prepare the 2017 CSA Day, on February 24th.

The North American CSA community, taking a clue from the rapid growth of CSAs in new areas of the world (France, UK, all of Europe, China), is proposing the adoption of a CSA Charter that provides a definition of what CSA is all about.

Together, regional networks and independent CSAs will launch the Charter on CSA Sign-up Day, February 24, 2017 as a way to attract public attention and, hopefully, inspire many new people to join CSAs. The CSAs that endorse the Charter will post it on their website along with a logo that identifies them as charter endorsers. In doing this, the CSAs commit to upholding the values of the Charter. All over the country, we will get local press to cover this collective action, the creation of a common platform.

Find out more on the CSA day website. #CSADay

Auteur: Urgenci
Organisation: Urgenci
Autres organisations: CSAs in USA and Canada
Année: 2017
Pays: Canada, United States of America
Couverture géographique: Amérique du Nord
Type: Allocution
Langue: English
