Greening Measures in the Common Agricultural Policy
It has been known for centuries that nature and agriculture nourish each other. Before intensive agricultural practices became widespread throughout the world during the second half of the 20th century, agricultural areas represented not only food sources for the human population, but also areas thriving with a diversity of plant and animal species. Farmers were the custodians of nature since their livelihoods and the well-being of the natural surroundings was strongly connected and interdependent. Current small-scale farming and sustainable practices rely directly on that concept – farmers are able to maintain native plants and trees and create favorable conditions for indigenous animal species, ensuring their survival, and in return, they obtain multiple benefits that ensure long-term agricultural practices, healthy and diversified nutrition and subsistence for their families. Agriculture in the European Union plays a key role in determining the health of rural economies as well as the rural landscape. But today this region is suffering the consequences of decades of unsustainable and intensive farming, such as public health issues, insecure livelihoods of small-scale farmers and the reality of climate change-related problems that heavily affect agricultural practices (floods, intense precipitation, droughts).