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Yemaya Newsletter No.60, April 2020

Yemaya No. 60, dated April 2020, features articles from India, Costa Rica, Japan, European Union, and a special supplement, Turning Points: A decade of change for women in fisheries. The article from India details the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women fishworkers in Mumbai. The Costa Rican article shows how the women fishers, shrimp peelers and mollusc workers identify their priority areas for the recognition and formalization of work. The article from Japan looks at the challenge of excluding women from fishery cooperative associations. The article from Africa looks at the gradual transformation of the African Confederation of Artisanal Fishing Organization (CAOPA) from 2010 onwards. The article talks about how the organization made gender issues as a priority area in their advocacy work.

The article on Southeast Asia narrates the story of how declining incomes and ageing villages mean that women are likely to be the mainstay of families and communities in the small-scale fisheries. The article on small-scale fisheries and the contribution of women highlights that part-time fishing and gleaning activities globally may contribute nearly 3 million tonnes of seafood, with a landed value of around US$5.6 bn. The article on AKTEA, The European Network of Women in Fisheries and Aquaculture, looks at what are the challenges and the way forward for the network. In her review of the recently published book, "Practical Guide for Gender Analysis in Small-scale Fisheries and Aquaculture in Southeast Asia", Susana Siar looks at how the book is designed to support the SSF Guidelines. The Profile column looks at how a fishing village in India mourns the death of an Italian nurse, Lauretta Farina of Bergamo. The Milestones column features a recently published report of the WHO Global Health Workforce. The report calls for gender-transformative policies and measures to be put in place if global targets for better health and gender outcomes are to be followed. The What's New, Webby? column presents the details of a new gender initiative via a mobile app and an online platform. The app tracks the gender-specific progress in each country. The current issue of Yemaya also carries the ever-popular cartoon strip, "Yemaya Mama". Yemaya No. 60, dated April 2020, can be accessed at: https://www.icsf.net/en/yemaya/article/EN/60.html?limitstart=0

Выпуск: 60
Автор: ICSF
Организация: International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Год: 2020
Категория: Информационный бюллетень
Язык контента: English

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