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From Fome Zero to Zero Hunger: A global perspective

We are now approaching 2020, which means that one third of the time set to reach the Sustainable Development Goals has passed. What we have seen is a growing commitment across the world to the Zero Hunger agenda. Countries are advancing in setting up platforms that will be able to show how much they progress each year. The United Nations system and development partners are working hard to facilitate these mechanisms, establishing monitoring frameworks and platforms for reporting as well as promoting policy dialogue and the exchange of experiences among countries and partners, taking into consideration each of the 17 goals. FAO has an important role to play as an organization that has been strongly committed since its foundation to eradicating hunger across the globe. This means that FAO can use, and is using, all of its expertise to support countries in formulating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating policies, programmes, strategies, policies and initiatives that contribute to a world that is food secure, i.e. where everybody can access food that is sufficient in terms of quantity, quality and regularity. However, FAO is not alone in this task. Many countries have been doing their homework for decades. One of FAO's roles is precisely to learn from these countries' successful experiences and share those lessons with other countries. The Brazilian Zero Hunger initiative is one such example. Launched in 2003, it was the main factor that enabled the country to swiftly achieve the first Millennium Development Goal and then to eradicate hunger by 2014.

Том: 1
Автор: José Graziano da Silva (Coord.)
Другие авторы: Gala Dahlet, Maya Takagi, Mauro DelGrossi, Paulo de Lima, Saulo Ceolin
Организация: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Год: 2019
ISBN: 978-92-5-131670-2
Категория: Доклад
Язык контента: English

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