Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

State of the Right to Food and Nutrition

This year’s State of the Right to Food and Nutrition Report places the spotlight on the right to food and nutrition in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It looks at the measures that governments have taken to contain the spread of the virus, and the impacts these have had on different population groups. It equally provides insights to the ways in which communities and civil society groups across the globe have self-organized to confront the crisis and support those in need. The report shows strikingly similar patterns across regions. Yet, it also highlights that the impacts are far from the same for everyone. Across societies, the pandemic and the measures to contain it hit marginalized and disadvantaged groups the hardest. In many instances, no precautions were taken, or relevant exceptions made to protect the rights of these groups, and to shield them against the effects of restrictive measures. In most countries, social protection schemes have proved incapable of protecting those most in need, and of supporting them to get back on their feet. The pandemic laid bare the structural discrimination, inequalities and exclusions that underpin our societies and make people vulnerable to hunger and malnutrition. It has placed a spotlight on the precarious and unsafe working conditions that food and agricultural workers, and especially migrant workers, find themselves in, and the limited access to basic services and social protection they enjoy. It has, moreover, highlighted the plight of Indigenous Peoples and other rural communities, who deprived of their territories and access to natural resources, have been left with little resilience to confront the pandemic and related food crisis.

Автор: Isa Álvarez Vispo (URGENCI), Laura Michéle, Annie Ruth Sabangan
Организация: FIAN International
Год: 2021
Категория: Доклад
Язык контента: English

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