Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Gender justice: Gender equity and lived experiences

A co-founder of ICSF addresses the issue of gender equity and social justice at a trans-disciplinarity workshop. On April 1st I opened my email to find a request from Too Big to Ignore, the global network on small-scale fisheries, asking if I would share my reflections on the question of Gender Equity and Social Justice at a workshop on trans-disciplinarity, which took place in April 2021. I replied to say that since the request was made on All-Fools Day, I would readily agree. The nature of my instantaneous response might perhaps have raised a doubt in the minds of the organisers on whether an elderly male from a tropical-majority country was indeed the right choice. So, if you find what I have to say on the topic disconcerting, or more likely, lacking in any disciplinary academic rigour, remember, don’t send emails on April 1st! Now that I have taken anticipatory bail, I feel more relaxed to proceed.

Title of publication: Yemaya ICSF's Newsletter on Gender and Fisheries
Выпуск: 64
Число страниц: 17-22
Автор: John Kurien
Организация: The International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF)
Год: 2021
Категория: Статья информационного бюллетеня
Язык контента: English

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