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Ukraine helps feed the world – but its farmers, seeds and future are in danger

Michael Fakhri, UN special rapporteur on the right to food and a professor at the University of Oregon School of Law and Sofia Monsalve is secretary general of the food rights organization Fian International wrote an excellent piece urging even in the midst of war, we have to think about recovery. Their article discusses Biodiversity as nature’s way of creating as many options as possible to respond to change. The more biodiverse a food system, the more options we have to respond to quickly changing climate conditions. When a farmer selects the most viable plants for these new conditions, saves those seeds, and shares those seeds with other farmers, they are adapting our food systems to climate change in real-time. Indeed, farmers’ seed systems, which have fed people for millennia, are defined by the continuous renewal of biodiversity and free distribution of seeds and knowledge among communities and peoples.

Title of publication: https://www.theguardian.com/
Автор: Michael Fakhri
Другие авторы: Sofia Monsalve
Год: 2022
Категория: Газетная статья
Язык контента: English

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