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Bangladeshi villages turn digital

FAO Digital Villages initiative empowers farmers to access markets and improve incomes

Ever since he was about 16 years old, Ziaur Rahman has been working his family’s farm in the Rangpur district of northern Bangladesh, growing rice, potatoes and other vegetables. But Ziaur, now 34, is feeling increasingly squeezed by today’s harsh economic realities. Even with his wife Sahanaz, and his brother and sister working on the farm, as well as three day-labourers, providing for their family of eight isn’t becoming any easier.

Автор: FAO
Организация: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Год: 2022
Страна/страны: Bangladesh
Географический охват: Азии и Тихого океана
Категория: Тематическое исследование
Язык контента: English

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