Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

International conference for sharing and learning with forest and farm producer organisations

Register here

Organized by the Forest and Farm Facility in collaboration with
the Vietnam Farmer’s Union (VNFU)
in the context of the UN Decade of Family Farming.


The objective of the conference is to discuss how business models can foster diversification – not uniformity. Gathering representatives from FFPOs, governments, international organizations, CSO/NGOs and other stakeholders from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe, the conference will:

  • enhance peer learning through south-south and triangular cooperation;
  • share innovative examples of inclusive climate resilient business models, financing structures, enabling policy environments and messaging championed by FFPOs;
  • stimulate upscaling of best practices across a global network of FFPOs;
  • promote the exchange of knowledge between FFPOs and discuss common challenges and lessons learnt on developing climate-resilience business models; and
  • help strengthen the collaboration and synergy of FFPOs with governmental institutions, private sector, finance institutions and other relevant stakeholders to promote inclusive, fair and climate resilient business models linked to forest and farm value chains; and generate a body of knowledge developed and owned by FFPOs which will mainstream gender and youth concerns and draw on Indigenous and traditional knowledge

Register to the conference here

 14/09/2022 - 26/09/2022
Место: Hanoi, Viet Nam
Год: 2022
Категория: Мероприятие
Язык контента: English

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