Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Intensive agroforestry system

Intensive agroforestry system is a protective and productive high-input agroforestry system comprising multi-purpose ditches with bunds, live barriers of grass, contour ridging, annual crops and fruit trees. The main purpose is to increase and diversify production, and at the same time, to protect natural resources and regenerate degraded areas, avoiding traditional slash and burning practices.

Автор: WOCAT (World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies) network
Организация: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Год: 2020
Страна/страны: Colombia
Географический охват: Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна
Категория: Практики
Язык контента: English

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