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Labour-saving technologies and practices: row planting, hand seeders and planters

The following technology provides an overview and details features of hand seeders and planters including jab planters to plant in rows. The advantages (labour saving, livelihood resilience strengthening, equipment, skills and cost) and disadvantages (labour and cost) are also highlighted.


Details of planting in rows for closely and widely spaced crops are highlighted below. 

  1. Planting in rows for closely spaced crops
    • Spikes are hammered into beams at planting row distances. The beams are pulled across the field to mark the rows. The seeds are dribbled into the furrows and covered over.
  2. Planting in rows for more widely spaced crops
    • Rows are marked in the same way as described above. Planting holes are dug using hoes, seeds are dropped in and covered over. Fertilizing can be carried out at the same time, using the feet to cover the seed and fertilizer with soil.

1. Features of hand seeders and planters

  • Hand seeders and planters make it easier to plant in rows. 
  • In very simple hand-pulled or pushed seed drills, the metering of the seed is done by one operator metering the seed in by hand. In more complex and costly versions the metering mechanism is mechanical. 
  • Hand pushed or pulled seeders require well-prepared seedbeds for their use, so they are not suitable for planting through cover crops or mulches.
  • Jab planters are able to plant seeds into untilled soil and through the mulch and are suited to reduced tillage farming systems.
  • Both hand seeders and jab planters can be used with fertilizer attachments to enable both operations to be carried out at the same time.

2. Advantages of row planting

2.1 Labour saving

Operators work standing upright with jab planters and hand pushed or pulled seeders so they are generally less tiring than planting with a hoe. The equipment improves speed and accuracy of sowing, with work rates up to four times higher than for planting by traditional methods.

2.2 Livelihood resilience strengthening

The practice enables accurate placement of the fertiliser in relation to the seed and a more uniform distribution. This helps to achieve higher crop yields.

2.3 Equipment

Jab planters are suitable for use in conservation agriculture systems.

2.4 Skills

Simple training in the use and maintenance of equipment.

2.5 Cost Saving in the use of seed

3. Disadvantages

3.1 Labour

It takes more time to plant in rows than broadcast, but the labour-saving benefits are reaped later in the season (weeding, crop inspection and harvesting). It also takes some time to learn how to use planters.

3.2 Cost

The additional cost of planters with more sophisticated metering mechanisms may not be justified in terms of the savings arising from reduced seed use and labour savings.

Figure 1. Row planting


4. Related/associated technologies 

5. Objectives fulfilled by the project

5.1 Labour-saving technology (LST)

The practice is less tiring, improves sowing speed and accuracy of sowing, and increases the work rate.

5.2 Resource use efficiency

The practice saves in terms of seed usage.

5.3 Pro-poor technology

The practice leads to an increase in yields which leads to more food and income security.



Автор: Rural Infrastructure and Agro-industries Division (Agricultural Machinery and Infrastructure) AGS in FAO
Организация: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO TECA
Год: 2020
Страна/страны: Kenya
Географический охват: Африки
Категория: Практики
Язык контента: English

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