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The Contribution of Agroecology as a Solution to Hunger in the World: A Review

Evidence from different studies has revealed a great contribution of agro-ecology in solving the world hunger sustainably. Agro-ecology addresses the problems and limitations of industrial agriculture such as inequalities, increased poverty and malnutrition rate, and environment degradation especially climate change; which are the roots causes of hunger in the world and hinder its eradication. In meeting these goals, agro-ecology raises the availability of food by augmenting yields considerably and increasing urban agriculture; it rises the accessibility of food by decreasing poverty; and upsurges the appropriateness of food by offering food that is of high-quality nutritional, healthy and socially accepted or adopted. This farming system also contributes to water security and to the respect of the right to water and hygiene by lessening the pressure on water resources, growing the flexibility to water shortage and diminishing the frequency of battles among conflicting water uses; therefore, enhances food security and the apprehension of the right to adequate food. Agroecology contributes to conserving biodiversity and natural resources, increasing resilience to climate change and combating the extenuation challenge, growing control of peasants upon agricultural and food systems, and empowering women as well.

Title of publication: Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
ISSN: 2320-7027
Автор: M. W. Adidja , J. Mwine , J. G. M. Majaliwa and J. Ssekandi
Организация: Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
Год: 2019
Категория: Газетная статья
Язык контента: English

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